There’s nothing more important right now than human connection.
The well-being of the world compel us to keep distance from one another but, now more than ever it’s important to keep in touch through the digital platforms.
As COVID-19 continues to spread, we encourage our partners and clients to open new ways to communicate on their website, chat, users messaging, etc.
Give your audience the feeling they are not alone and they can reach and connect one another in your domain.
Everyday we are woken to new restrictions and never ending sick count, the new world is slowly discovered and its base on internet communication.
The new realty drive us to find new and innovative ways for work, school and even shopping all those activities ware replace by an online platform, schools are now working with remote classes, necessary E-commerce are struggling to keep up with the traffic and purchases, and business meeting are now available from the comfort of your home.
The new routines gave us access to more screen time and because of lack of human touch we are in the search of online human engagement.
Our ray of sunshine in these difficult days is the internet, the internet made the world smaller, even though we can’t go and meet one another, we communicate with more people throughout the day.
We consume more content and the need to share opinions and discussions is stronger than ever, we stop enjoying posts from white bitches and dream vacations instead we start reading articles and opinions, you can see that User Generated Content (UGC) is at its best.
So How can we help?
Here in RiTribes we are prepared! UGC is in our DNA and we will continue to work with our partners and customers to help their audience engage with the content and connect to other users in the same domain.
Our services are up and running so your online business can remain open — so you can reach your customers and they can connect with you.
If you are not using our unique engagement tools or if you like to know more please visit:
Lastly, please take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be patient and kind. There is no better time to strengthen our bonds, to stand together (digitally), to help each other through this storm, and come out the other side stronger.